Monday, April 23, 2018


We cross and uncross our legs
at the same time, light one cigarette
and then another, one for each hand,
check ourselves into rehabs and rental cars
that are out of control and useless to
a decent conversation,
it's just that we don't talk,

we just borrow each other's make up
and best stolen ad libs,
that is to say that stuff
is getting in the way of my stuff
and the more I try to describe
your best features , my image
vanishes in the bathroom mirror,
should i leave the seat up or down
and should you pull out a chair or a
gun and a bag of candy?
one of us will leave this relationship

and it won't be either of us, I will say that much.
otherwise , we should confine our remarks
to how we can stretch the meaning of words
and even rock solid ideas of reality as easily
as we can the waist band of a pair of stretch pants
one of us bought on the internet, stretch it until it breaks
and everything we created
 in 1st and 2nd person
drops to our ankles
 and neither of us
 gets anything from the other,
not even a middle finger.